Day 2 of our Island Touring started with us stopping at Leslie Hardings Workshop to receive our Roller Furler piece that had been Lathed. Perfect, thanks Leslie.
Yesterday we went South, or today our focus is the Northern section of the islandOur first stop is at the very north of this island at the Columbus Monument. It is said that Columbus when discovering the New World he first stopped at San Salvador, Bahamas and then second stop was here at Long Island.
The start of the staircase to the Monument
Nicholas reading the blurb
Arriving at the top on the viewing platform at the lighthouse the view over the Lagoon is spectacular. The colours amazing.
A brisk wind at the summit and Karen’s hat went flying. She had to go off piste to retrieve it
Onto the viewing platform for the Monument dedicated to Christopher Columbus
Looking back at the Lighthouse, the light has rusted off and is hanging by the electrical wires. I hope someone repairs this soon
Jenny and Karen taking a rest
Back in the vehicle, on our way out we decided to see where the rest of the road went, and found a Park type area with Bar/Restuarant which was not opened and an interesting bridge
Newton Cay FootBridge over the water
We decided to see where the bridge and path went so off we went
To another beach…..
Back in our vehicle…
Next stop is the Exclusive Cape Santa Maria Beach Resort & Villas
Looks fancy (for Bahamas)
This resort is known as a Honeymoon Resort, with beautiful beaches, and amenities
Beautiful Silver Palm, not often seen
We took a walk along the beach to the north and found a shady area under the Casurina trees for a respite from the heat and humidity
Jenny, as always, in the sun
A lagoon comes in here and we watched these two fly fishermen casting for Bone Fish. We did not see them catch.
Next stop is for drinks and lunch and we went to the Moonshine Beach Bar & Grill on the eastern side of the island
Beautifully appointed with stunning views over the beach and ocean, their prices were very high and we decided to do lunch elsewhere
An interesting looking walk, so we followed it
It lead to this beautiful natural ? Nature Pool
Inlets for water on both sides with a sandy bottom.
Back to our trusty steed
Lunch was still on the cards, and after googling we decided that we had had such an excellent meal yesterday at Max’s Conch Shack that we’d drive down south to do it again
Rum punches…
The bar area
Max making his famous Conch Salad
We all had a conversation about what the word Nanana / Manyana means, and I was adamant the Manyana was the Zulu (African) word for tomorrow / later sometime. Nicholas disagreed and we took a bet which I won, $200 dollars, Yay….
Another fabulous day