Having walked the Trail cut by Jerry and Karen of Persephone, to the Dilly Trees, I decided that it was a relatively short distance to continue the Trail to House Bay on the Southern side of Hog Cay. The other trails to House Bay are either over a very rocky hill, or through a Salt Pan, which has been full of water the past few years, making us walk on very sharp rocks through the scrub alongside the Pan.
So I set off, with my iPhone for a Compass, Google Maps and my Apple Watch to Track my Path. The first day I crept though trees, shrubs etc on Goat Paths where possible (and getting very scratched!), and marked a possible trail with blue rope. Looking at my Tracks (from my Watch) back at Meshugga, I could see a couple of areas I was making big loops. So the following day went with Google Maps open and rectified my Path to be as straight as possible.
And then the Cutting started.
I have a Stihl Chainsaw, which unfortunately has only one battery, so my work mornings were dictated by how long my Stihl battery lasted, and my energy for clearing and dumping all the cut foliage off my new path. It took me 6 days, each session 2-3 hours long, and I finally have a Trail I’m proud of.
The Start of my Trail from House Bay
Marker on House Bay Beach to alert Hikers that a New Trail Start is nearby
A view from the Trail looking to the end at House Bay
The Trail, cut wide and raked
My Trail ends at the Dilly Trees. Here is what the Fruits look like.
Map of Persephone and Meshugga’s Trails
Goats along Persephone’s Trail
Marker at the Start of the Trail to tell Hikers where the Trail leads to
Notice buoy on Lobster Beach to tell Hikers that there’s a Trail to House Bay nearby
At low tide, this Ray was ever present in the very shallow water near my dinghy
We decided it was time to start heading up the Chain on our way to Miami, and I attended to some chores
We have a small section of seam on our Main Sail where the stitching has disintergrated. The Main Sail is far too big to take off and use my sewing machine, and as the section is only a foot long, I climbed up into the Canoe Boom and spent some time with a heavy duty needle, PTFT thread and a palm hand, sewing the section. Not a thing of beauty, but sewn strong.
My view from up in the Boom
View over our FlyBridge roof with Solar Panels
On my chore list was going ashore to burn our paper trash
Despite a sign over the Trash Burning Pit that clearly says, “NO METAL / GLASS in FIRE”, some Cruisers think that ‘Someone’ will clean up and dispose of their Trash
Bucket of Metal Tins and Glass from the Trash Pit…..

We had a light Westerly wind, and Meshugga is only Just Floating at Low Tide
A final look around the Hog Cay Yacht Club
Meshugga’s sign is still up, and hasn’t faded over the past 4 years
Final night with a stunning Moon Rise
A last look at one of our favorite anchorages.
Main up, and ready to go
The yachts still at Hog Cay
Exiting the Bahamas bank into the Ocean at Nurse Channel, hopefully to catch a Mahi Mahi…..we did not even get a bite!🙁
In the afternoon, the sun disappeared, and we sailed through huge Sqaulls with 30 knot winds and tons and tons of Rain. Meshugga got a good wash down
We spent our first night at Flamingo Cay, and left at first light for the long sail to Black Point via Coakley. Along the way we were treated to dolphins around Meshugga for about a half hour
Unfortunately my video of the dolphins is too large a file to upload…
As we’d only arrive at Black Point around 9.30pm, I made Pizzas whilst sailing. Big Mistake! The wind kept blowing the Gas BBQ fire out, and instead of a 15-20 min bake, it took almost an hour, with constant relighting and then the bases of the Pizza were rather hard.
Note to Self: Scrap that idea of Pizza dinner underway in future! 🤪

Whilst at Black Point, we received an email to say that our Additional Lithium Batteries that Nicholas had ordered were now being delivered to us in Miami on 18 April, and not 1 May as previously advised. Suddenly our leisurely sail up the Chain has changed into a hurry to get to Miami, 250 miles away.
We quickly prepped Meshugga and left at first light for a continuous passage to Miami over the Banks, through the Tongue of Ocean, and to cross the Straits of Florida Gulf Current prior to the Winds going Westerly on Monday 17th, early morning.
Our Last Bahamas Sunrise, having just sailed onto the Bank from the Tongue.
I’m going to miss the Bahamas Blue water
Into the Gulf Chanel, a big Cruise Ship
Just prior to sunset we had a little bird come aboard, midway across the Channel. He just tucked up and waited for land to be sighted
We fished the whole way across we fished with No bites
Our last sunset leaving Bahamas
Ominous clouds heading for the Florida
In the Dark of the night, a Huge Cruiser with Lights….
We anchored at 12.30am amongst 20 other Yachts outside of No Name Harbor, Key Biscayne. All sails stowed, we went to bed, only to be awoken at 3.30am by Rain and Huge winds. 50 knots, as a Massive Front passed over us. Meshugga’s anchor held well. The yacht behind us did not, dragging until he was able to get it set again.
Back in the US of A ………
Meshugga, the Bird Whisperer!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see new trail - hope you will be on your way soon