Two long days sailing. We left at 5am in the Dark from Black Point. With previous Tracks and Aqua Maps, we were confident of not encountering any unforeseen shoals. The day dawned long, and the wind did not fill in as anticipated, so we had to motor the entire day, arriving at Flamingo Cay at 7pm, to a barrage of 8 yachts anchored in Two Palm Bay. With no wind, and shallow water over the bank, it was not for the feint hearted to see the bottom so clear and near.
Next day was a more leisurely departure at 7.30am, and we headed out through the Cut into the Exuma Sound and motor Sailed south to the end of the Raggeds Chain of Islands. As we approached Little Ragged Island from the North, one Fishing Reel screamed, and we had a good sized Mahi Mahi on the hook.
I was busy on the motor and helm, turning Meshugga into the wind to slow us down, and had not had time to reel in the other 3 rods. So Nicholas did that after catching the Mahi Mahi, and found that one Reel, had payed out about 1 km of line. It was a 15 minute slog, to reel in all that line, and on the end of it was a much exhausted, dead Baracuda.
Looking from the Exuma Sound to the South Side anchorage
Rounding south around Little Ragged and then 2 miles north in the Lee of the islands into the South Side Cut. The spot we like to Dive on in settled weather.
With a Flood tide we made it easily through the Cut into the Anchorage, and Nicholas gutted the Mahi Mahi, and I made fast work filleting it for Pickled Fish.
A short trip ashore to say hello to Sojourn, Blue Jacket and Bedouin, but the No-Seeums were so bad that the shore visit was cut short.
Duane and Karen of Sojourn came back to Meshugga for a catch up, and it was great to chat with them.

Being the Winter Solstice, after our super dive we invited all the yachts (DragonFly with Chris had arrived in the morning, so we now had 5 yachts in our anchorage), to Meshugga for drinks and snacks as with the light southerly winds the shore would be rife with No-Seeums. A great get together and catchup with everyone.
Donna and Jerry on BlueJacket, Chris and Mandy on Bedouin, Duane and Karen on Sojourn, and Chris on DragonFly.
Great to have you guys back!!! Thanks for the meetup on Meshugga, enjoyed talking to everyone.