With a short weather window with light winds we would be motor sailing the next few days, before a strong southerly sets in, which would prevent us from heading south.
First Day, we motor sailed across the bank, through Current Cut (and caught the tide at Slack Water).
Then into the Exuma Sound and arrived at sunset to go through the cut north of Shroud Cay - Wax Cay Cut, (catching a Flood Tide) anchoring in the shallow just out of the channel.
Second Day, we exited Wax Cay Cut (catching the tide at Ebb), and continued motor sailing south in the Sound to again enter a cut onto the bank at the north of Great Guana, Dotham Cut.
We anchored at Black Point, abeam Lorraine’s Restuarant. As this was a short day sail, and we went ashore for a late lunch and drinks.

So we went next door to the BLYC (Black Point Yacht Club), which was lively with a charter boat clients all having lunch.
BPYC now empty with the Charter boat having left
Black Point feels a bit different now with the new restaurants and fast-boat clientele, doesn't it??