Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Bahamas - Ragged Island, Hog Cay, Last Walk

 Raphael came round to Meshugga to see if we wanted fish or conch……

We received supplies via the Capt C Mailboat and my 5 Lbs of bananas were rather battered. So I made 3 dozen banana, date and oat health muffins.

Our time is drawing to an end at Hog Cay, and I made one last walk on the Hog Cay to Lobster Bay Beach Trail, taking with me a huge bag of flotsam and jetsam I had collected on the East windy beaches to mark the final stretch of this new Trail. I also decided to Name and Label the Trail so that everyone know where it goes. Thanks to Karen of Sojourn who was the mover, shaker and force behind this Trail being made.

Rope to help you get up and down the cliff edge

Buoy painted ‘Sojourn to Lobster Bay Beach’ at Hog Cay Beach at the Start of the Trail

More Trail Markers

A reminder from NOAA that its time we left the Bahamas and made our way north to the Low Hurricane Areas

Nicholas is doing final bits and pieces to the awning before final Gelcoat.

Edges of the window frames being re-inforced.

Upstands for the new Solar Panels being glassed in

Take Care

1 comment:

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