Our main reason for going to Rio Dulce, was that we had a couple of tears in our Main Sail, and costs in Miami to do the repair and reinforce all the seams on the Main was huge. In Rio Dulce, there is a Sailmaker, Chloe in Cayo Quemado and she is very competent with staff to help with the moving of large sails for sewing purposes. As it would have it, when visiting her, she was busy with work for 2 weeks before she could take delivery of our Main and begin our work. So we hung around Cato Quemado doing little chores aboard. Taking off the Main and lifting it into Chloes Loft was quite a procedure, but all went well with her staff and Nicholas.
Chloe said the repairs and resewing of all seams would take about 2 weeks, so we headed up river to Fronteras to stock up on Fresh Supplies, and I wanted to visit the excellent dentist Cledente for Teeth Cleaning. I also recently discovered a spot on my Face which I was not happy about and wanted to see a Dermatologist about.
Sailing up through the Golfete Lake and to Fronteras
Whilst at anchor near Fronteras, one night during a Huge Thunderstorm we Again got a Lightning pulse and it took our out Wind instrument. We rushed to order not One but Two Wind Instruments from Hodges in Miami and had them AirFreighted in.
Chloe messaged us to say our Main was ready for collection so we Motor-Sailed the 10 miles to Cato Quemado where her loft is, to collect our Main, and deliver our New Gennekar which Nicholas wanted slightly cut as it was a bit long and low when flying it.
Installing our Main
Main installed, we went back to Fronteras to again stock up with Fresh Produce and collect our DHL Airfreight Wind Instruments. This time being more prudent of a possible Lighting Strike, Nicholas did not isntall it, and thought he’d only do it as we left Rio Dulce.
Nicholas decided to try a Faraday Cage around the Wind Instrument. Hopefully it’ll deflect another Lightning strike.
Final dinner with Ben. No idea when or if we will see him again. This time at Ah Wei, which tonight specializes in Margaritas and Tacos
Back to Cayo Quemado and collected our cut down Gennaker,
Leaving FronterasA quick visit to Raul, the Agents, office we were all legit with a Zarpe and stamped passports and free to leave Guatemala.
The tides showed that High Tide all week was in darkness, so we took the Bull by the Horns and crossed the bar at 3am, following our previous incoming track, sailing 10 miles across the Bay to anchor in the lee of the headland, and getting a few hours sleep.
Morning gave us a sloppy swell, which was not great for Nicholas to go up the mast to replace our Wind Instrument and lift our 8 foot VHF aerial which gives us VHF and AIS comms, but there was no alternative.
Final prep to sail to Panama….