A good weather window was forecast on all platforms and so we planned for an early Sunday morning departure. By 7am, the anchor was up, sails up, and we sailed from the southern tip of Acklins Island, hard on the light breeze trying to egg out as much easting as possible. Early afternoon the wind went north east as predicted and sailing became a pleasure with a beam / aft of the beam reach.
Leaving Acklins, the old abandoned Lighthouse still standing proud.
Great sailing, even though we had to keep in the Traffic Zone as we passed between Cuba and Hispanolia.
We hit the light spot (blue winds) and started the motors when we slowed to 3 knots. Luckily it was only a few hours and we were through it and into the Trade Winds.
As we went through the light winds we had a Turtle Dove come aboard. He was exhausted and although skittish found a spot to perch, and if we disturbed him he would fly off Meshugga, round and come back aboard.
From there it was fabulous sailing with constant 15 knots apparent winds and seas of about 3m swell, with a long distance between crests.
We had many Ships pass us, all seen on AIS up to about 30 miles away, and some crossing or passing about 2 miles away. One was closer and I snapped this shot.
Our Dove stayed with us,
On the 4th day, he came inside
We arrived in Panama on Friday morning. 900 miles in 5 days. We had anticipated our arrival and were happy that we’d arrive at first light, but on closing the bay and islands we found it was still pitch dark - We had forgotten that we changed Time Zones and instead of 6am with lightening skies, it was 5am and total darkness. And then it began to rain with a Torrential downpour lasting about 2 hours. We entered the Bay on our Electronic Charts, not being able to ‘see’ the islands both due to darkness and then later a whiteout of rain.
Once the rain eased and daylight we saw that the water was disgustingly brown.
Our Dove did a few wing stretches and peered out of the window, giving us a wonderful Coo Cooing
He was ready to leave, but not the brightest, he kept flying towards our Salon windows. Nicholas gently caught him and put him into the Cockpit so that he could leave when ready.
Saying Goodbye to me!
Hello Panama. 🇵🇦 ⛵️